When you live and work in this city, you often forget how beautiful it is. I love being able to stumble upon moments like this one. The beautiful NY Public Library as a backdrop for art.
It made me wonder… what is on showcase? Is the dancer helping the photographer with her portfolio? Is the photographer helping dancer with HER portfolio? Is the garment the dancer is wearing the focus? It didn’t really matter to me, I was lucky enough to find beauty this morning in our fair city.
Filed under: Architecture, art, creativity, Design, Fashion, I LOVE NY, New York City, NYC, Photography, Trend Blogs, Trends Tagged: Architecture, art, Beauty, Design, Design Works International, Fashion, HGTV, HGTVHome, Inspiration, Local NYC Artists, Nancy Fire, New York City, NY Public Library, NYC, Trend Blogs, Trend prediction, Trending, Trends